Tag: Why Evolution Is True
Sorry, Dr. Coyne: There Is No Religion-Science Conflict
I dare say that Michael Behe has had a far greater influence on the field of evolutionary biology than Jerry Coyne has.
Watchdog Group Calls Professor Dave “Anti-Semite of the Week”; Plus an Appeal to the New Atheists
Does this have anything to do with intelligent design and the evolution debate? Yes, two things.
Professor Dave, Anti-Semite? You Be the Judge
What was unclear was whether his rage against intelligent design reflected just an isolated problem in his thinking, or whether it’s something more system-wide.
Evolutionist Jerry Coyne Has a Puzzling View on Hamas
The moral atrocity committed by Hamas seems not to have diminished Professor Coyne’s passion for atheism, determinism, and free will denial.
Jerry Coyne — An Evolutionist and His Ideology
At least some others have the courage to stand for what they believe even in the face of potential criticism.