Tag: William James
Medicine’s “Sacred Space” — Grossly Violated
When my dad was dying, I saw both sides of the healthcare world, one that fought to save a life and the other that was coldly indifferent, even eager to end it.
Some Biologists Take “Plant Minds” Seriously
What would surely puzzle other observers is the considerable current effort — at the same time — to portray human intelligence as some sort of illusion.
Shelley, Darwin, and the 19th-Century God Debate
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley threw down the gauntlet for what was effectively to become the great Victorian dispute about religious faith.
Alfred Russel Wallace’s Bicentennial Year: A Cause for Celebration and for Sadness
All the hyperbole shows the fix is in — Wallace has been made safe for scientism and Darwinian reductionism. The academy can breathe easy.
The Outsider: Alfred Russel Wallace’s Reputation in the Darwinian Era
Was Alfred Wallace a “crazy” crank? Was he an undisciplined “dilettante” bemused by every fringe belief he encountered?