Tag: Winston Ewert
Intelligent Design in Action: DNA Cryptography
Cryptography itself is an example of ID in action within the sciences. How much more when it involves coded genetic information?
Paper Digest: Addressing Flaws in Population Dynamic Models
Reframing genetic variation as falling into separate categories — random and non-random — could provide new insights into the history of life.
Here’s the Other Common Objection to Intelligent Design — Answered
If you asked me, “Do you believe in evolution?” I would reply “I believe in the evolution of life, and the evolution of automobiles.”
William Dembski: What’s the Best Evidence for Intelligent Design?
What exactly is the very best evidence for a designing agent behind nature? There are a number of contenders and, interestingly, not all ID proponents agree.
New Paper Argues that Variant Genetic Codes Are Best Explained by Common Design
A popular argument for a universal common ancestor is the near-universality of the conventional genetic code.