Tag: Winston Ewert
Specified Complexity as a Unified Information Measure
The most important take away here is that specified complexity makes Shannon information and Kolmogorov information commensurable.
Darwinists Devolve
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species.
Freethinking Cannot Be Darwinized
An otherwise good essay on the human right to freedom of thought falls into a Darwinian trap of illogical causation.
Design Inference 2.0: FREE Webinar with Dembski and Ewert
Join mathematician William Dembski and computer scientist Winston Ewert as they discuss the significance of their new book and answer your questions.
Harvard President Is Out Thanks to Design Filter
William Dembski explains in an excellent new podcast interview with Christopher Sernaque.