Tag: wisdom
Francis Collins’s “Road to Folly”
How does someone as inept as Francis Collins (and I’m being charitable) have the gall to tell anyone else how to become wise?
Leading Neuroscientist Wavers on Physical View of Consciousness
“Consciousness cannot be explained only within the framework of space and time and energy, but we need to postulate something additional — experience.”
As a Physics Professor, I Can Tell You: Wisdom Transcends Intelligent Design
The fine-tuning of the physical parameters, forces, and laws of nature could hardly have been established by a bottom-up approach.
Are Humans Progressing Toward Evolutionary Perfection?
Men are not about to become like gods. “I’m a strong believer in original sin,” quips David Berlinski.
“Why Life?”: A Question Atheist Scientists Never Ask
Even something as catastrophic as the eruption of Mount St. Helens was, in the end, a life-giving event.