Tag: World Magazine
Two Nigerian Authors and Darwin’s African Legacy
Missing from Chinua Achebe’s account is the role played by scientific racism in driving British imperialist policy in the country.
Michael Behe in World Magazine — “Game Over” for Darwinism
Behe was present at a “semi-secret” scientific gathering “whose theme was a specific controversial question: Did Darwinian evolution have any limitations?”
Marvin Olasky Joins Discovery Institute as New Senior Fellow
“I’ve long admired Discovery’s courageous work on intelligent design,” said Olasky.
Meyer, Hedin, Dembski, Luskin Shine in World Magazine Book of the Year Awards
Dr. Meyer isn’t merely tearing down a competing, nihilistic picture of reality, but instead revealing the positive, meaningful one toward which science increasingly directs our attention.
Meyer Interview in World Magazine: Big Bang as “the First Effect, the First Event”
It had not occurred to me that anyone would see the beginning of the universe as a challenge to their faith, but evidently some do.