Tag: Young Earth Creationism
Gould’s Panda Argument Is a Problem for Atheistic and Agnostic Views
Contrary to conventional wisdom, then, Stephen Jay Gould’s panda argument does not provide evidence against intelligent design.
On Human Origins, New Peer-Reviewed Paper Reviews Models for Reconciling Science and Religion
In the final section of the paper, I proposed a scoring system to rate the models.
Coming Soon to DiscoveryU: Live Courses on Science and Christianity
The pilot course, Science and Christianity I: A Historical Exploration, begins on July 10 and will be the first in a three-part module taught by yours truly.
Meyer, Craig, Turek: Examining the Kalam Cosmological Argument
Kalam is a reference to ideas in medieval Islamic philosophy that William Lane Craig singlehandedly did much to revive.
Eugenie Scott Lecture Resurrects, Spreads Misinformation on Intelligent Design
There often seems to be a subtext to her remarks, as if she were telling her audience: “Go forth and persecute.”