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Compelled by Multiverse Logic

Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

Any “person who is fully knowledgeable about the subjects is compelled by logic to accept the reality of multiverses.”

That emphasis on “compelled” is in the original. From, “The sounds of science — a symphony for many instruments and voices: part II.”

Warning: if one doesn’t accept at least some variant of the multiverse, says co-author and Texas A&M physicist Roland Allen, that refusal “may be potentially harmful to the progress of science, in the same way that not accepting evolutionary biology would be potentially harmful to biology…” He describes six different flavors of the multiverse (1-, 1, 1+, 2, 3 and 4) so if you are still skeptical after stepping away from that cosmological ice cream cart, you’ll have only yourself to blame for being so stubborn and hard to please. 

Well, all right then. You’re a Bad Egg if you doubt the multiverse, whatever the flavor, in the same Basket of Bad Eggs as evolution deniers. And like them, standing in the way of scientific progress.

See here for more (see pages 23-28) — a comprehensive guide to current controversies and open problems in physics.

By the way, adjectives such as “fully knowledgeable” function as circularity-guaranteeing loops in a decision tree. Do you doubt the existence of a multiverse? Then you’re not fully knowledgeable (and have no right to an opinion).