Tag: physics
Robin Collins’s “Fine-Tuning for Discoverability” Argument
In November 2000 we each presented at the “Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe” symposium at Yale University.
Atheist on the Ropes: Piers Morgan Confronts Richard Dawkins About ID and Stephen Meyer
There’s something wonderful about watching Dawkins being compelled to watch Stephen Meyer and then being obliged to respond.
On Evolution, Mathematicians Need Not Be Silent
“I know a good many mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists who, like me, are appalled [by] Darwin’s explanation for the development of life.”
Three Ways to Formulate the Fine-Tuning Argument: An Introduction
At the heart of fundamental physics are the laws of nature. These laws govern the interactions between fundamental particles.
Disassembling Lee Cronin’s Assembly Theory
When I read the Assembly Theory literature and studied the details of the theory, I was frankly shocked to see how devoid it is of substance and insight.