Author: Brian Miller
Circular Reasoning in Origin of Life Research: Insights from a Recent Study on the Genetic Code
This study compared sequences of proteins in modern organisms to reconstruct ancestral proteins believed to reside in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
The Multiverse Has a Measure Problem
In terms of science, the central problem with the naïve multiverse is that it could explain any observation, so it really explains nothing.
Control Systems in Vertebrate Limbs Further Demonstrate that They Were Designed
Even if one limb suddenly transformed into another, the new limb would prove useless until its control system was entirely reengineered.
Stuart Burgess Overturns the Claim that the ACL Is Poorly Designed
The explanation for ACL injuries is not poor design. Burgess noted in my interview with him that ACL tears were far less frequent in past centuries.
New Research: Stuart Burgess Demonstrates the Exquisite Engineering of Human Limbs
Burgess’s research represents yet another nail in the coffin of the standard evolutionary model.