Tag: demiurge
West: Theistic Evolution and the Gnostic Heresy
Friendliness to a design perspective might seem to be natural for any theist. Yet a prickly disdain is strangely common, especially among religious academics.
In His New Book, Denton Shows How Science Leads the Charge to Theism
In his new book, Michael Denton is particularly strong on what he terms “the post-Copernican delusion of mankind’s cosmic irrelevance.”
Charles Darwin and the Ghost of Epicurus
Darwinism, when viewed from a philosophical perspective, might more accurately be understood as a late sub-branch of ancient speculative thought.
Evolutionary Biologist Richard Sternberg: Why I’m a Platonist
The evolutionary turns that life has taken, he says, “ultimately have their source in an informational realm that is outside space and time.”