Tag: dysteleology
Jay Richards: Toppling a Myth of Human Insignificance
It was 19th-century materialism that needed the so-called Copernican demotion, for ideological reasons, and the historians of the time obediently invented it.
Does the Panda Argument Hurt the Case for Evolution?
Gould cannot have it both ways: either theology-laden arguments are legitimate within scientific discourse or not.
Complex Programmed Behaviors — Intelligently Designed
Some discriminators don’t get us very far in deciding which is the better explanation between blind evolution and intelligent design.
Why C. S. Lewis Rejected the “Argument from Undesign”
One contribution Lewis made to the intelligent design project wasn’t a specific argument but the example he set.
Darwin’s Desperation?
Darwinists easily obtain a global microphone to rant against intelligent design, while ID advocates silently gain adherents. Is it a sign of desperation?