Tag: epidemic
#4 Story of 2020: Evolution, Design, and COVID-19
The waves may be huge and the surface roiling, but the deeper waters continue as they always have, essentially undisturbed.
#5 Story of 2020: Coronavirus, Intelligent Design, and Evolution
The measures being taken against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic owe nothing to evolutionary theory.
The Scramble to Redeem The S-Blob
The S-Blob is increasingly under justifiable scrutiny for the most catastrophic scientific fiasco of the 21st century. Its defenders are spewing chaff like there’s no tomorrow.
Coronavirus, Intelligent Design, and Evolution
The measures being taken against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic owe nothing to evolutionary theory.
No to “Quality of Life” Coronavirus Healthcare Rationing
In a world of bioethicists who primarily eschew the sanctity/equality of life ethic, Fordham University’s Charles Camosy is a refreshing ethicist worthy of the title.