Tag: hydrothermal vents
No. 6 Story of 2024: Devastating Critique of Origin-of-Life Research
The magazine started by Norman Lockyer in 1869 to promote Darwin’s naturalistic views has had to face judgment day.
Europa Clipper: The Moon Mission Making Waves
Astrobiologists hope this mission will help answer a couple of big questions in astrobiology.
Two Articles in Nature Call for Rethink in Biology
These frank acknowledgements from evolutionary scientists are encouraging signs and serve to confirm what ID theorists have long argued.
From Nature, a Devastating Critique of Origin-of-Life Research
The magazine started by Norman Lockyer in 1869 to promote Darwin’s naturalistic views has had to face judgment day.
Geneticists Puzzled by Octopus’s Unique Genes: Seem to Have Appeared Out of Nowhere
“Evolution of novel genes”? Isn’t that the question at hand? Where do novel genes come from?