Author: David Coppedge
Intelligent Design and Planetary Timing
Enceladus is an especially fascinating case. Nearly 100 geysers of water ice are currently jetting out of its south pole at supersonic speed.
Fine-Timing as Evidence of Intelligent Design
Sometimes it’s not just the tuning that indicates design. Sometimes it’s the timing as well.
Game Over? Nick Lane Wants Another Inning
Michael Behe described how he attended a conference to hear Nobel laureate John Walker, the world’s expert on ATP synthase, explain how it might have evolved.
Secrets that Give Sea Lions and Jellyfish Their Edge as Swimmers
The world’s best human designers are attempting to build machines to mimic what these animals “naturally do.
Armed Forces in the Cell Keep DNA Healthy
Science reporters struggle for metaphors to describe the complex operations they see going on in the cell.