Tag: Cicero
The Relevance of Intelligent Design to Science and Society: A Primer
“ID is one of the foundational ideas in the history of civilization. It has deep roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions and among non-Christian thinkers.”
The Enlightenment (Re)turn to Atomism
What distinguished thinkers had long called out for its manifest absurdity was now, Phoenix-like, rising from the ashes.
The Eye: A Classic Example of Natural Design
Even Charles Darwin, after publishing his theory of evolution, privately admitted “The eye to this day gives me a cold shudder.”
Nothing New Under the Sun
The inference to a First Cause has begun to percolate down to people who hold no prior allegiance to any of the world’s accredited religions.
How I Came to Take Leave of Darwin: A Coda
After seeing my recent book through to publication, I began to experience a certain gnawing feeling.