Tag: Design Inference
The Elephant Seal in the Room
You’ve heard about salmon, whales, and sea turtles. Now learn what the clumsy-looking elephant seal accomplishes navigation-wise.
Painting by Neanderthals? Study Makes a Design Inference
An observation that supports a non-natural origin is that the pigment appears only in a small, conspicuous location.
Stunning Video of Chameleon-Like Abilities of Cephalopods
Sometimes you don’t need a rigorous logical, scientific, or mathematical demonstration to reveal evidence of design in nature.
Dembski: If COVID-19 Was Designed in a Lab, Here’s How the Designers Might Cover Their Tracks
William Dembski offers insightful analysis about how we could go about determining whether the virus was designed.
The Most Valuable Aspect of Avi Loeb’s Intelligent Design Case
The most valuable aspect of his case is the stimulus it provides to the question, “If non-human intelligences exist, how would we detect them?”