Tag: Facebook
Why Dickinsonia Was Most Probably Not an Ediacaran Animal
So, do high levels of cholesterol biomarkers really suggest an animal affinity of Dickinsonia?
What to Fear? Jay Richards’s The Human Advantage Is Out!
The scary thing about AI and related advances in technology is not what it will to do us — like put us all out of work — but what we’ll do with it to ourselves and each other.
Imagine Copernicus, Newton, Pasteur “Marching for Science”
Jonathan Witt: “In the M4S subculture, dissent is a thought crime.”
Computer Software Sheds Light on Human and Chimp DNA Similarity
Recently I had the opportunity to hear Discovery Institute’s Stephen Meyer provide an update on the progress and current state of the theory of intelligent design.
Happy Darwin Day! Our 2018 Censor of the Year Is Wikipedia
As Darwin himself said, in a scientific context, “A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question.”