Tag: genomes
Paper Digest: Addressing Flaws in Population Dynamic Models
Reframing genetic variation as falling into separate categories — random and non-random — could provide new insights into the history of life.
No. 4 Story of 2024: Darwin’s Abominable Mystery Corroborated Again
This notorious discontinuity in the fossil record did not get any smaller with 160 years of research since Darwin, but instead became more and more acute.
ORFanID: An Online Search Engine for Identifying Orfan Genes
The existence of such genes is surprising given the hypothesis of universal common descent.
Now, Here’s a Theory of Evolution Based on Cellular “Thinking”
Note how far we are from the world of Darwin’s followers now, while still staying with the evidence.
Study Finds Life’s Origin “Required a Surprisingly Short Interval of Geologic Time”
It’s certainly not impossible that life was already present on Earth at 4.2 Ga. And if it were true it would have intriguing implications.