Tag: Johns Hopkins University
Heart Attack Doctor: Science Shows Death Is Not the End
Sam Parnia began by wondering how brain cells can give rise to thoughts. He came to see that the message “from science” was not what he had been led to expect.
In Life, Checkpoints and Error Correction Defy Darwinian Explanations
Living cells employ forward-thinking and backward-thinking strategies. Both strategies require planning outside the immediate situation.
Sandgrouse Takes the Royal Society to Design School
Episode guest Brian Miller talks with host Casey Luskin about the details of the ingenious design.
Sean Carroll: “How Could an Immaterial Mind Affect the Body?”
Aristotle noted that when we think carefully about natural causes we see that there are four distinct ways that causes can lead to effects in nature.
The Human Cost of Coercive Science
Lockdowns were imposed on society in the name of science, although the actual scientific basis of many of the measures employed was unclear at best.