Tag: loss of function
Behe Vindicated Again: Sherpas Climb Everest Easier, Because Darwin Devolves
How can Tibetans survive high altitudes that leave lowlanders gasping? The answer is found in broken genes.
Thanks, Professor Lenski, the LTEE Is Doing Great!
Lenski agrees that the beneficial mutations seen in his Long Term Evolution Experiment are overwhelmingly degradative or loss-of-function ones.
The Nobel Prize and Intelligent Evolution
The contrast between the evolutionary sterility of Lenski’s unintelligent Darwinian evolution and the evolutionary potency of Arnold, Smith, and Winter’s intelligent evolution is striking.
Michael Behe, Revolutionary: Challenging Darwin, One Peer-Reviewed Paper at a Time
We are currently celebrating the online release of a new documentary, Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines.