Tag: microbial mats
Fossil Friday: The Vindhyan Controversy and Debunking Alleged Ediacaran and Cambrian Fossils
The fancy speculations about the evolution of multicellular life and early animals turned out to be just smoke and mirrors.
Kimberella — The Oldest Radula (Not)
There is a strange fact that shows that any interpretation of these trace fossils has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Kimberella — Traces and a Trace-maker
The body fossils are generally positioned at the focal points of the fan-shaped scratch marks.
Kimberella — Controversial Scratch Marks
A former teacher of mine was the late Adolf Seilacher, who was a leading authority on trace fossils and who for obvious reasons preferred to be called “Dolf.”
Kimberella — Interpreting the Fossils
One of the few features that are uncontroversial is the body size: The fossils measure usually 1-5 cm in length.