Tag: Neo-Darwinism
Richard Dawkins, the Koala, and the Giraffe
We are pleased to offer this Abstract from a new paper, “Richard Dawkins, the Koala, and the Giraffe: How Evolutionists Overlook Signatures of Design.”
Hello, Stuart Kauffman
Kauffman is one of the more interesting participants in the debates about the nature of life.
“Doesn’t the Fossil Record Prove Darwinian Theory?”
You’ve heard that challenge a million times. But as paleontologist Günter Bechly explains, the opposite is true.
Fossil Friday: Evolutionary Stasis in Beetles
Natural selection is the great magician in evolutionary fantasy land, where it explains rapid change in explosive radiations as well as no change at all.
Progress Since the Sternberg Smithsonian Saga 20 Years Ago
For decades, opponents of intelligent design derided the theory as unscientific because it hadn’t been published in peer-reviewed science journals.