Tag: polymerase
Another Claim by Origin-of-Life Researchers Dissolves on Inspection
This experiment, like all previous ones, reinforces the view that life was the product of intelligent design.
Unraveling the Myth that Undesigned Processes Generate Novel Functions
In short, the sequences performed no new function, so no new information was created.
Examining Sources of Genetic Change
Eric Bapteste, a researcher at Sorbonne University, just co-authored a review discussing genetic change in the context of aging.
Experiments on “Self-Replicating” RNA Indicate the Need for Intelligent Agency in Life’s Origin
Any evolving system of RNAs would quickly include almost exclusively RNAs that performed no biologically useful actions.
Excerpt: Letter to the Journal of Chemical Education
Unlike philosophy journals — or high school newspapers — many science journals are unwilling to publish responses by people attacked in their pages.