Tag: vertebrates
Why the Blood Clotting Cascade Challenges Evolution
The coagulation cascade cannot evolve unless there is simultaneously a mechanism in hand for controlling it. Both would have to arise at the same time.
Right Brain Vs. Left Brain? It’s Murky
Vertebrates generally have brains divided into two lobes, an arrangement that may go back half a billion years.
Fossil Friday: Fossil Tunicate Confirms Cambrian Explosion
Almost on a monthly basis new fossil evidence corroborates the abruptness of the Cambrian Explosion as a genuine “Big Bang” of life.
Fossil Friday: The Stubborn Mystery of the Tully Monster
How much confidence should we really place in dubious fossil evidence when it is boldly claimed to prove Darwinian evolution as a fact?
Will Evolutionists Ever Take Falsification Seriously? A Response to P. Z. Myers
Can there be a better example of trying to argue that whatever the evidence, evolution is the answer?