Tag: Victorian England
Why Has Darwin Been Believed?
By the later 1830s educated people in England and far beyond its borders had experienced some truly convulsive existential tremors beneath their feet.
Shelley, Darwin, and the 19th-Century God Debate
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley threw down the gauntlet for what was effectively to become the great Victorian dispute about religious faith.
Darwinism as Fact? The Waning of an Historical Myth
Historically the unfathomable subtleties of our terrestrial environment have been viewed as in and of themselves empirical markers for design.
Joseph L. Graves as the “Black Darwin”? Think Again
Darwin could never be considered the kind of anti-racist activist Graves makes him out to be.
Is Human Psychology Better Explained by Evolution or Design?
“We are survival machines,” wrote atheist biologist Richard Dawkins, “robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes.”