Author: Robert F. Shedinger
Sorry, Dr. Coyne: There Is No Religion-Science Conflict
I dare say that Michael Behe has had a far greater influence on the field of evolutionary biology than Jerry Coyne has.
Shawn Otto and the “War on Science”
If evolutionary theory is so fundamental to medical research, why has no evolutionary biologist ever won a Noble Prize in physiology or medicine?
Is Assembling Life Like Assembling LEGOs?
Unfortunately, Sara Walker provides no clue as to what process does all the “constraining,” “funneling,” and “scaffolding.”
Reading Between the Lines: Intelligent Design in Philip Ball’s Non-ID Book
Ball, in describing this new biology, feels the need to appeal to design language despite his overt disavowal of any support for intelligent design.
What Really Happened at the Huxley-Wilberforce Debate?
The stereotype portraying Wilberforce as the pompous bishop rejecting Darwin on theological grounds is easily dispelled.