Tag: Winston Churchill
Recalling Orwell’s Timely Warning on Groupthink
The censorship he had to address was not a conspiracy or even a campaign; it was spontaneous.
Michael D. Aeschliman on C. S. Lewis and Scientism
Scientism claims that science alone dictates the truth, although this system of thought depends on non-scientific reasons to come to such a conclusion.
Galápagos Finches and a Surprising Deletion
How could the authors suddenly do this? Some of the following points may be considered.
Farewell to Gertrude Himmelfarb, Brutally Honest Historian of the “Darwinian Revolution”
Written in 1959, her monumental book, Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution, continues to tower over Whiggish studies on the subject.
In Cambrian Explosion Debate, ID Wins by Default
If this is the best answer evolutionists can come up with, it’s game over for Darwinism.