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NPR Covers Evolution Debate, Interviews ENV’s Michael Egnor

Today NPR’s All Things Considered reported on the running debate between Evolution News & Views contributor Dr. Michael Egnor, professor of neurosurgery at SUNY Stony Brook, and Darwinist neurologist Dr. Steven Novella from Yale. With “Doubting Darwin: Debate Over The Mind’s Evolution” NPR takes a look at the scientific debate over the mind-brain problem currently shaking up neuroscience. Listen to the report here because, as reporter Jon Hamilton notes, “The outcome of the mind-brain debate will have a profound impact on everything from what students learn in high school to how decisions are made at the end of life.”

Here are a few of Dr. Egnor’s posts on the mind-brain problem and some background on the back-and-forth between Dr. Egnor and Dr. Novella: