Faith & Science
Intelligent Design
On Giving Tuesday, Feelings Are Not Enough
A recent and heart-breaking dialogue in New York between Richard Dawkins and Ayaan Hirsi Ali reminded me of the importance of the Center for Science and Culture, and especially of Evolution News, which I edit. Dr. Dawkins is the famed atheist biologist. Ms. Ali grew up as a Muslim in Somalia, became a prominent atheist, and has recently made known her conversion to Christianity. I was struck, as was Dawkins, by the frail basis for her conversion.
It came from a “personal crisis,” Ms. Ali explained, a toxic mixture of depression, self-hatred, and suicidal thoughts. She regards her new life as a miracle, but when asked by Dawkins about the foundation of her faith, she could speak in only the vaguest terms. Dawkins — of all people! — reminded her that the existence of God is a “scientific hypothesis,” although, he thinks, a mistaken one.
A Thoughtful Believer
Today on Giving Tuesday, I want to share with you that I worry about people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, whose faith comes from what she admits are purely “subjective” feelings. Here was a believer, a very thoughtful one, who knew nothing about whether the God hypothesis can be defended on objective grounds.
Feelings are wonderful, but feelings can change, and what happens then? The scientific proponents of intelligent design at Evolution News are conducting the daily intellectual battle over the evidence for purpose in the universe. I’m thinking of scholars like Stephen Meyer, William Dembski, Casey Luskin, Brian Miller, John West, Jonathan McLatchie, Günter Bechly, and others, whom our grateful readers know well. No one presents the argument for intelligent design with the clarity, precision, and good cheer that they do.
The scientific case for ID is strong. Yet many believers, and others, don’t even know that the case exists. It’s being argued every day by our CSC colleagues at Evolution News, but we need your help to put that information into the hands of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and others in need. Feelings are not enough!
Your Important Investment
We’re proud of our readership of 2.5 million+ views per year, but we need to reach many millions more. That will take research, writing, editing, social and other media promotion, and more. And it is all costly. Your investment helps us share the news that there is another scientific side to the crucial debate about biological origins.
Remarkably, Richard Dawkins grants the premise of ID — that it is a scientific question. We need to let the world know that ID scholars are challenging atheism not on the basis of feelings but on the basis of science. You can help us by donating now.
If you give at any level, we will send you an advance download of Chapter 1, “Wrestling with Darwin,” from a new book from Discovery Institute Press, A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design. It tells the personal story of author Fr. Martin Hilbert’s journey as he came to know the scientific case for ID.
If you have benefited from Evolution News articles and want to provide others this valuable resource, please give now. Many lives like Ms. Ali’s are in the balance. Thank you in advance.