Tag: Christianity
The Slippery Slope of Theistic Darwinism: The Sad Cases of Howard Van Till and Karl Giberson
After retiring from Calvin, Howard Van Till evolved well beyond Christianity. Indeed, he eventually evolved beyond theism.
John West: Science’s Debt to Intelligent Design Is Not Just in the Past — But Today
The God hypothesis… Where have I heard that phrase, used by columnist Ross Douthat, before?
Ross Douthat on the Universe’s Remarkable Intelligibility
Suppose that science itself suffers if we preemptively rule out certain conclusions.
God and the Odds of ET
There is a rational and intellectually defensible strategy for maintaining a measure of optimism about the possibility of extra-terrestrial life.
How Darwinism Dodges the Iceberg
When I viewed the stranded vessel in 1992 it looked remarkably well preserved, but of course functionally it was a mere “zombie” craft.