Author: Andrew McDiarmid
Why Evolution’s Selection/Mutation Mechanism Fails
Do random mutational processes have the power to generate new base or amino acid sequences for natural selection to act upon within the time available?
Why Cell Division Challenges Darwinism
The eukaryotic cell cycle is just one of the many biological systems and processes that could not have arisen by numerous, successive, slight modifications.
Engineered Elegance: Checkpoint Pathways of the Cell Cycle
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication.
How Motor Proteins Power Eukaryotic Cell Division
Could the components of the eukaryotic cell division process have arisen through a gradual, unguided process?
Intelligent Design in the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
An inspection of the components and processes in eukaryotic cell division demonstrates just one of many such systems that Invalidate Mr. Darwin’s theory.