Author: David Klinghoffer
Darwinism and the Impoverishment of Beauty
Art itself points to a design transcending our natural world and would be devastatingly blunted in a world where materialism and Darwinism had driven out the sense of life’s enchantment.
At Forbes, John Farrell Joins in “Ayala’ing” of Jonathan Wells
Farrell thinks the myth of junk DNA is itself a myth — that “scientists never dismissed junk DNA in the literature.” In other words, Wells has set up a straw man. Of course, not having looked at the book, Farrell can’t have consulted Dr. Wells’s fifty pages of notes documenting his argument.
Previewing Metamorphosis: The Case for Intelligent Design in a Nutshell Chrysalis
Darwinism, of course, has a hard enough time explaining the construction of a living machine. This is something much greater, posing a far harder challenge to materialist evolutionism.
Junk DNA and the Darwinist Response so Far
Over the weekend, Jonathan Wells’s The Myth of Junk DNA broke into the top five on Amazon’s list of books dealing with genetics — a list normally dominated at its pinnacle by various editions of Richard Dawkins’s The Selfish Gene.
Oxford University Admits Darwinism’s Shaky Math Foundation
Maybe if we enter the figures again and push the “equals” button on our hand calculator just one more time, it will give a different answer.