Author: Daniel Witt
“Irreducible Complexity” May Be Part of the Definition of Life
There are many bad counter-arguments to Michael Behe’s famous irreducible complexity conundrum, and (in my opinion) one pretty good one.
The Junk Shop of Andreas Wagner
The fundamental dilemma is this: whenever you co-opt any part from an old system and put it in a new system, there are two possibilities.
The Enchanted Sleep of Andreas Wagner
Apparently, Darwinian evolution doesn’t actually explain life. This may come as news to some people.
Richard Dawkins’s Unlikely Nemesis
Leading the charge against the model is — of all people — one of Dawkins’s own doctoral examiners at Oxford, the renowned physiologist Denis Noble.
Is Vitalism Making a Comeback?
For proponents of ID, there is a natural temptation to respond to this sort of explanation with derision. I suspect this reaction may be short-sighted.