Author: Daniel Witt
Richard Dawkins’s Unlikely Nemesis
Leading the charge against the model is — of all people — one of Dawkins’s own doctoral examiners at Oxford, the renowned physiologist Denis Noble.
Is Vitalism Making a Comeback?
For proponents of ID, there is a natural temptation to respond to this sort of explanation with derision. I suspect this reaction may be short-sighted.
Science Versus the Oldest Anti-Intelligent Design Argument
Translation: Everything that exists was made not by intelligent design, but rather by the random arrangement and rearrangement of atoms.
Another Call for a “New Synthesis”
I recently wrote a post critical of biologist Peter Corning’s “synergism hypothesis.” Afterwards Dr. Corning got in touch.
Do Fungi Have Free-Will?
Whenever a new hypothesis like this is published and calmly debated in scientific journals without arousing any furor, your first instinct may be to scoff.