Author: Granville Sewell
Why Tornados Running Backward Do Not Violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics
But try to imagine a more spectacular violation of that law than what has happened on our planet.
Postcard from Dusseldorf: “This Is Science Upside Down”
An observation from plant geneticist Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig on the paradox of opposition to intelligent design.
How the Scientific “Consensus” on Evolution is Maintained
As ENV readers may know, I wrote an article, “A Second Look at the Second Law,” that was reviewed and accepted by Applied Mathematics Letters (AML) in 2011, then withdrawn at the last minute.
Are You Looking for the Simplest and Clearest Argument for Intelligent Design?
I consider this video to be the simplest and clearest presentation of that argument.
The Chief Part of the Spectacle is Supplied by Life
Are the three “cardinal problems” of biology still almost untouched?