Author: Jonathan McLatchie
Beyond The Genome: A Non-Reductionist Perspective On Development
There is still much that is not well understood about development and a wealth of information to be learned. But I think it is becoming increasingly clear that DNA cannot contain both the necessary and sufficient information for the morphogenesis of organismal form.
More Points on ERVs
In the absence of a feasible naturalistic mechanism to account for how evolution from a common ancestor could have occurred, how can we be so sure that it did occur?
Do Shared ERVs Support Common Ancestry?
In my previous article, I discussed the background of one of the most commonly made arguments for primate common ancestry. In this article, I want to examine the first of the three layers of evidence offered by a popular-level article written about this subject.
Revisiting an Old Chestnut: Retroviruses and Common Descent (Updated)
One common argument for common descent which one hears very frequently in the evolutionary literature concerns the placement of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) in orthologous loci in primate genomes.
More Signs of Design: Bacteria on the Radio
The information story extends deeper than we realized.