Author: Jonathan Witt
God and the Odds of ET
There is a rational and intellectually defensible strategy for maintaining a measure of optimism about the possibility of extra-terrestrial life.
Evolutionary Flimflam: Watch Out for These Common Parlor Tricks in Science Reporting
I suspect the average person comes to accept modern evolutionary theory through a near-constant drip of pro-evolution propaganda.
When Materialism Turns on Its Own
A cadre of atheist scientists, including Lawrence Krauss and Jerry Coyne, have long worked to silence and deplatform scientists who hold to the theory of ID.
The Farm at the Center of the Universe: Q&A with the Authors
The granddad is the novel’s primary defender of intelligent design and belief in God. He’s a bright, curious retired chemistry professor.
“Move Along, Nothing to See Here”: What Happens When You Challenge a Dominant Narrative
William Dembski no longer has to be coy about the challenge his design filter poses for modern evolutionary theory.