Author: Jonathan Witt
Two Recent Papers Buttress Michael Behe’s Thesis in Darwin Devolves
Evolution’s grand tree-of-life story requires constructive evolution, not more and more cases of organisms tossing parts overboard.
New Book Spotlights High Tech Animal Navigation
Meet the animal kingdom’s most stunning navigators — the Arctic tern, homing pigeons, the monarch butterfly, and the desert ant, among others.
New Book, Animal Algorithms, Spells Fresh Trouble for Darwinism
The book is all about the buzzing, migrating, web-spinning, and colony-building world of ingenious animals.
New Animated Video Dismantles Origin-of-Life Hype
The origin of the first life required not merely design, but an ingenious designing intelligence far beyond that of our smartest origin-of-life researchers.
Forbidden Question: Common Descent or Common Design?
Think of cars. A Tesla and a Cadillac share many features — but of course, none of that means that Teslas blindly evolved from Cadillacs, or vice versa.