Author: Marcos Eberlin
Breakthroughs Unveil Evidence of Foresight in Nature
From an engineering standpoint, it was essential that a way be found to protect the cell, life’s most basic unit.
The Lovable Venus Flytrap: A Design Analysis
A correspondent sends along this remarkable nature video from the BBC and asks a good question.
Diarrhea and Design: A Response to Jerry Coyne
I respect Coyne’s position, but, lacking his faith, I interpret this evidence more naturally as pointing to an ingenious mind.
The Radio at the Edge of the Universe
If the universe were a radio and the desired setting allows for life, it would have dozens of dials for setting the values of the universal constants.
Game of Thrones: As Darwinism Dissolves, Top Evolutionists Scramble for a Successor
A meeting at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, sought to encourage novel thinking about evolution.