Author: Michael Egnor
Is Consciousness a “Controlled Brain Hallucination”?
Anil Seth explains away consciousness away using fashionable terms like that. As a pediatric neurosurgeon, I know from clinical experience that he is wrong.
Atheists Who Scold Us on Morality Unwittingly Acknowledge God’s Existence
Actually, Christians don’t ask, “Where do your morals come from?” in order to call atheists evil.
Biologist P. Z. Meyers Denies That Life Begins at Conception
Obviously, life begins at conception. With the fusion of the sperm and the egg, a new human life begins.
Philosopher: I’m Neither Me, Myself, Nor I…Yet I Give Interviews!
Theoretical philosopher Thomas Metzinger tells his interviewer “Nobody ever had or was a self. Selves are not part of reality.”
“Thank You for Waiting. The Doctor Will Kill You Now…”
Canada has some of the most permissive euthanasia laws in the world and allows people with disabilities to be killed on request.