Author: Neil Thomas
Poet and Scientist, Goethe Offered an Enlightenment Theodicy
Like Erasmus Darwin, Goethe was both poet and scientist and had himself at one time speculated on ideas of evolution.
Shelley, Darwin, and the 19th-Century God Debate
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley threw down the gauntlet for what was effectively to become the great Victorian dispute about religious faith.
In Darwin’s Bluff, Robert Shedinger Rightly Forgoes the Hagiographic Tradition
The present reader, in company with a host of agnostic biologists and cosmologists, simply finds in Darwin a complete dearth of convincing scientific evidence.
Richard Dawkins and the Law of Unintended Consequences
The New Atheists’ failure to understand the nuanced way that “ordinary people” think was a profound strategic error.
Darwinism as Fact? The Waning of an Historical Myth
Historically the unfathomable subtleties of our terrestrial environment have been viewed as in and of themselves empirical markers for design.