Author: Wesley J. Smith
Learning to Love Industrial Farming
“Old MacDonald-style farms where soil is nurtured with love and animals have names rather than numbers may sound environmentally friendly.”
Now It’s “Whale Rights”
As often is the case in nature rights activism, “indigenous wisdom” is invoked as somehow superior to modern conservation.
We Can’t Let “Experts” Decide the Morality of Making “Humanized Animals”
Bioethics is a utilitarianish social-political movement whose primary advocates are usually philosophers, lawyers, and/or doctors.
Will Colorado Permit Elephants to Sue?
Many law schools teach courses in animal rights, training lawyers for the day the courtroom door opens to animals.
With Yet More Politics and Ideology, Top Science Journal Labors to Sink Its Own Reputation
Now, in the mushiest softball Q&A one can imagine, they are boosting an anti-Israel protester.