Category: Faith & Science
Livestream with Us Tomorrow! It’s the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith
The sessions for “All Creatures Great and Small” will be available to watch for a full week after the conference.
How Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Hinders Scientific Progress
In a nutshell, theistic evolution is the attempt to reconcile belief in God with the standard evolutionary account of life’s origins.
When Christians in Science Embrace Scientific Materialism
John West explains that “Stockholm syndrome” refers to the tendency of a victim to bond with or sympathize with his or her captor.
The Slippery Slope of Theistic Darwinism: The Sad Cases of Howard Van Till and Karl Giberson
After retiring from Calvin, Howard Van Till evolved well beyond Christianity. Indeed, he eventually evolved beyond theism.
John West: Science’s Debt to Intelligent Design Is Not Just in the Past — But Today
The God hypothesis… Where have I heard that phrase, used by columnist Ross Douthat, before?