Journalistic Integrity RIP? Two Op-Eds That Showcase the Decline in Good Opinion Writing

Sports columnist turned news analyst Lloyd Garver normally opines about the morality of the designated hitter in baseball but all too often unsuccessfully attempts to weigh in on weightier matters. Today published a column that betrays Garver’s complete ignorance about anything to do with the debate over evolution. Garver claims that those “pushing” intelligent design don’t know what a theory is, and falls back on the tired old complaint that ID proponents think theory means conjecture. Lloyd, we don’t, check it out on the CSC website sometime.

Columbus Post Dispatch Editors Should Get Some Glasses

Here is another editorial (registration and payment required) from the Columbus Dispatch in Ohio that shows that editors there — even after several years of trying — cannot seem to get it through their heads that no one is trying to require the teaching of intelligent design in their fair state, that creationism and intelligent design are not the same thing, and that serious critics of Darwin argue on scientific, not religious, grounds. We suspect that they know better, but cannot stand to admit it. The editorial states that “the future of the nation depends on scientifically literate students” and asks, “Just what is there to fear about Darwinian theory”? The question isn’t what there is to fear about Darwinian Read More ›

Darwinism is a Foundation for Speculation and Revision, Not for Modern Experimental Biology

A recent essay in The Scientist and a second piece newly available here show that Darwinism is not the cornerstone of modern experimental biology. I blogged Philip Skell’s essay from The Scientist on Tuesday. There’s now also available online a paper by Roland Hirsch arguing, as William Dembski explains in the introduction to the book of essays where it’s found, “Roland Hirsch overviews many of the recent advances in molecular biology and biochemistry, showing how Darwinism has failed both to anticipate and to explain them.” The International Society for Complexity, Information and Design website says that Hirsch is the “program manager in the Medical Sciences Division in the Office of Biological and Environmental Research at the DOE, where he is Read More ›

Hey Fellas, We told You So

CSC senior fellow David Berlinski writes: Paris — This link is to an article by Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne. Please read the article while endeavoring not to laugh, chortle, snicker, hoot or whistle. You will find it cannot be done. In the course of affirming why there is absolutely no controversy about anything over there where Darwinian biologists hang out, they indicate quite soberly that, in fact, there are lots of controversies after all — all of them precisely of the sort that Darwinian critics have been insisting were there all along and that Darwinian biologists have all along insisted did not exist and were of no consequence. You could, if you wished, line up Darwin on Trial or Read More ›

Debate: Intelligent Design and Darwinism – Definition of Terms

Over at Homunculus has embarked on a series of posts related to intelligent design, and the first post properly addresses what the definitions of Darwinism and ID are. I suspect that Homunculus will be inundated by rabid Darwinists irked by such an insighful post. Should be interesting to see where this all leads.