Category: Neuroscience & Mind
Dogs Understand Many More Words than We Think
Of course, the dog is responding to words as signals, not as components of sentences.
Theists vs. Atheists: Who Has the Burden of Proof?
Because Dillahunty refuses to debate me again, I’ll address his claim that atheists have no burden of proof in the debate over God’s existence in this post.
Robert J. Marks on Why AI Won’t Destroy the World, or Save It
Will robots or other computers ever become so fast and powerful that they become conscious, creative, and free?
Does Science Disprove Free Will? A Physicist Says No
Marcelo Gleiser notes that the mind is not a solar system with strict deterministic laws.
Professor Explains “How to Be a God”
Transhumanists and futurists worry about guaranteeing rights for AI technologies when they attain “consciousness.”