Tag: Africa
The Human Mind Has No History
There is no good reason to assume that human intelligence evolved from mud to mind via a long slow history.
Luskin and Miller on the State of ID in Africa
The response was inspiring. At the University of Eldoret in Kenya, Luskin and Miller were greeted with no less than a band and a red carpet!
Discovery Institute Speakers Get a Hearty Reception in Africa
At the University of Eldoret, in Kenya, we were greeted with — no joke — a band and a red carpet.
Evidence of Woodworking Extends High Human Intelligence Far Back into the Mid-Pleistocene
This rare find shows that some of the very human-like forms in the fossil record were actually much smarter than we thought.
Fossil Friday: Did Monkeys Raft Four Times Across the Atlantic?
Time is not the hero of the plot when actual improbabilities and probabilistic resources are ignored or glossed over with fancy storytelling.