Tag: astronomy
Kepler Versus Religion as a Football
Evolutionists play a game, and it’s a shallow one. So what’s the truth about science, and religion, and how they do or do not fit together?
Galileo Myth Goes Marching On
He lived out his life at his comfortable rural estate, Villa Il Gioiello, on the hillside outskirts of Florence.
What Is Intelligent Design? A Thomistic Perspective
What is it, metaphysically one might say, that distinguishes design in the ID sense from ubiquitous teleological design, in a Thomistic sense?
“No Astronomical Investigations of Importance” in the Middle Ages? Not True!
Michael Keas offers an important corrective to falsehoods that students are still learning at this very moment.
Of Lunar Eclipses and the Dark Ages Myth
Last night Americans across the continent were treated to a most beautiful and informative natural phenomenon.