Tag: atoms
Metals and Life — A Balancing Act
The complementary interaction between metals and life provides yet another example of our existence relying upon multiple levels of design.
Mind, Matter, and Intelligent Design
Let’s extend our speculations about the nature of spirit and its interactive ability with this material universe to considerations on the origin of life.
Despite Fine-Tuning, Roger Penrose Is “Agnostic” About Intelligent Design
The slightest changes in almost any of the basic parameters of nature would have led to a universe without stable stars or without stars at all.
Evolutionist Jerry Coyne Has a Puzzling View on Hamas
The moral atrocity committed by Hamas seems not to have diminished Professor Coyne’s passion for atheism, determinism, and free will denial.
Theistic Cosmology and Theistic Evolution — Understanding the Difference
Astronomers have convincingly shown that the laws of nature are sufficient to account for the formation of stars and planetary systems throughout the universe.