Tag: biogeography
Fossil Friday: Did Giant Dinosaurs Swim Across Oceans?
More rafting animals! Who cares about probability or empirical evidence, when a simple just-so-story can do the job?
Does the Panda Argument Hurt the Case for Evolution?
Gould cannot have it both ways: either theology-laden arguments are legitimate within scientific discourse or not.
Fossil Friday: Eurotamandua — Anteater or Not Even Close?
Darwinists have to appeal to the ad hoc hypothesis of convergent adaptation to similar lifestyles, which of course increases their problem.
“Bizarre Bird” Highlights the Problem of Biogeography
While hoatzins are bad at flying, evolutionists have been forced to credit these birds with some impressive rafting — unbelievably impressive.
Return of the Rafting Monkeys: Why Biogeography Is No Friend of Common Descent
Evolutionists have to propose, for instance, that Old World monkeys rafted across the Atlantic from Africa to South America on a natural raft.