Tag: biology
Sophisticated Energy Shield Found in a Shrimp
A sophisticated energy-absorbing structure has been discovered in the mantis shrimp’s dactyl club that protects the animal from its own shock waves.
Intelligent Design in Action: DNA Cryptography
Cryptography itself is an example of ID in action within the sciences. How much more when it involves coded genetic information?
When Building Our Case for Intelligent Design, How Should We Think About Prior Probability?
Bayes’s theorem is a tool for modeling our evaluation of evidences to appropriately apportion the confidence in our conclusions to the strength of the evidence.
New Book: Stockholm Syndrome Christianity
If you want to understand why many Christian colleges are now producing graduates with views indistinguishable from secular materialists, read my book.
The Metaphysics of Irreducible Complexity
The vastness of life’s complexity is no longer unfathomable when seen through the light of purpose.